Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Uncle and Nephew, finally seeing Eye to Eye

Hi Fam,

Was very glad to visit Prince at his University Academy in upstate NY.  He's doing great and seems to be growing up to be a very nice, mature young man.  As kids get older, they tend to forget the "older folks" so I decided to let him take a pic with his "old" uncle to remember later on.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Foods of Home in Trinidad and Tobago

Hi Fam,

Last week, I visited the homeland and was treated to whatI've been missing for a LONG time, enjoy and savor my happiness:

Started with a Pineapple Chow right off the plane, then for dinner, solfish, tomatoes, cassava, & breadfruit,

  After, went in the back to the Mango tree and gorged myself with mango's until I couldn't eat anymore

  Next morning, finished off for breakfast with some more solfish, with figs and other goodies.

From there, went onto dinner with dumplings, baked fish, steamed veggies, breadfruit frozen smoothies,


Finished off with fried King fish, Dolphin (not the one you're thinking about) & red fish.  Nuff SAID@@!!!!!