Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Twist of our Thanksgiving this year!

Hi Fam,

Pam, Lisa, Jonathan and I celebrated a day of hanging out and enjoying each others company.  We went turkey-less this year and opted for a nice slab of Salmon and King crabs.  Lisa made an outstanding Ginger cake I can't even describe.  All in all, we had a great time getting together, enjoy the pics.
Also, just wanted to commemorate all those we have lost this year, and as we ate and prayed, lets just be thankful we have life and try to live it as best we can.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Merl, many more to come

Hi Fam,

This year was a quite birthday party for Merlin.  We held it at my house and had a great time reminiscing on old times and times to come.  As our generation moves ahead, we look forward to the years of comfort and living life to the fullest as best we can.  Merl is so full of life and compassion and we wish her the best for this year.  See you next year.  Enjoy the Pics.  Also, check out Dmiteria's Day in Brooklyn

 As you can tell, the wine is flowing!

  Dmiteria upper cut Shaniqua - LOL

 Enjoying her day!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Making it look easy!!! "2:46.00"

Hi Fam,

Tuning up for November's New York Marathon. Great race, looking strong.

Finally finished, See you in November!!!!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Our Next Family Swimming Athlete

Hi Fam,

Recently I visited Trinidad and Tobago to take care of some business and was introduced to other aspects of Brianna athletic abilities. These were some of her great moves I caught of her at her weekly swimming lessons.


Brianna, keep it up, you're almost there!!!!!!  We'll remember the name.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Uncle and Nephew, finally seeing Eye to Eye

Hi Fam,

Was very glad to visit Prince at his University Academy in upstate NY.  He's doing great and seems to be growing up to be a very nice, mature young man.  As kids get older, they tend to forget the "older folks" so I decided to let him take a pic with his "old" uncle to remember later on.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Foods of Home in Trinidad and Tobago

Hi Fam,

Last week, I visited the homeland and was treated to whatI've been missing for a LONG time, enjoy and savor my happiness:

Started with a Pineapple Chow right off the plane, then for dinner, solfish, tomatoes, cassava, & breadfruit,

  After, went in the back to the Mango tree and gorged myself with mango's until I couldn't eat anymore

  Next morning, finished off for breakfast with some more solfish, with figs and other goodies.

From there, went onto dinner with dumplings, baked fish, steamed veggies, breadfruit frozen smoothies,


Finished off with fried King fish, Dolphin (not the one you're thinking about) & red fish.  Nuff SAID@@!!!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Okay, Some Real Results from The Brooklyn Half Marathon

Hi Fam,

Okay, now we have some real results.  Last week I gave you some local results from a neighborhood race which was terribly wrong.  This weekend Pam did the Brooklyn Half Marathon and WOW, knocked it out the box!!!  She ran her personal BEST ever @ 1:53.00.  You also have to give me my props, getting this picture from out of 25,000 runners and catching her at the last second. LOL.  Is there anything this woman can't do?  Great Race babe!!

There she GOES-->

Getting to the Finish Line - Yahhhh - GO GO GO Pam!!!!  Good Run

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5K Morning Run

Hi Fam,

 This morning Pam ran a 5K in our neighborhood.  I stupidly forgot to bring my regular camera memory card so had to use my phone.  She did great, they won't have the results until next week, but from what I saw, she was either the 2nd or 3rd woman to cross the line.  Will give the results later.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hi Fam,

Cherrie Ann celebrated her birthday this week with the family in tow; Eric, Merlin & Pam.  We had a great time talking about everybody, where we were and where we are now, joking and laughing all night.  It's hard to believe that each of us have succeeded in life and we are all living happily in one way or another.  Enjoy the pics, will have more to post soon.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy 25th Jaclyn!!! Many more to come

Hi Fam,

Yesterday, we celebrated Jaclyn's 25th birthday. As always, it's nice to have family all together to celebrate all the love and commitment they have for each other.  We especially enjoyed ourselves and hope you can enjoy the pictures.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Girl in Sunny Miami - Beating the Clock!!!

Hi Fam,

Last week Pam and her good friend Lisa journeyed to Miami to run their annual half marathon.  Pam set her second best personal time on the course, and more pictures to come on the website later on next week.  Enjoy these pics.