Friday, September 7, 2012

Celebrating Merlin's Birthday this month

Hi Fam,

Though we're mourning Tanty Eva's untimely departure from this plane of existence, we must still celebrate life, and so, we must cherish everyday we have with our loved ones.  Merlin have always been the rock and light that carries the love of the whole family in her heart, and we again want to acknowledge that out loud.  We had a great time at the Korean Garden, where Merlin and Cherrie Ann was treated to a whole new palate of foods from afar.  We laughed and joked all night and as every family should, we enjoyed each other's company.  Enjoy the pics.

Merlin, Pam, Cherrie Ann

Merlin, Eric, Cherrie Ann

 Merlin and Cherrie Ann

 Pam and Merlin

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